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55 Texas Hold’em terms introductions you should know

55 Texas Hold’em terms introductions you should know

All of the online games have their special game terms.  Understanding Texas Hold’em terms helps you pick up the game faster.  Texas Hold’em terms serve the same purpose.  We communicate through the Texas Hold’em terms to save time.  It also makes our conversation more precise. 

55 Texas Hold’em terms you should know Game Introduction

All of the online games have their special game terms.  Understanding Texas Hold’em terms helps you pick up the game faster.  Texas Hold’em terms serve the same purpose.  We communicate through the Texas Hold’em terms to save time.  It also makes our conversation more precise. 

55 Texas Hold’em terms introductions you should know

Some may ask if understanding all the terms is necessary.  Well, if you wish to play well, then the answer is positive.  Since other Hold’em players are all communicating in this way, you will only be able to get information from them if you know all the Texas Hold’em terms.  So read along, and take some notes. 

55 Texas Hold’em terms

1. Position

Player’s position.  The first to act is called UTG, and the following are called:

2.  All in

Betting all that a player has. 

3. Bets

Putting down the amount the player is willing to gamble with. 

4. Barrel

Players who bet pre-flop. 

5. Backdoor

This means forming your hand with the last two cards on the board. It’s also called runner.

6. Bluff

Pretending your hand to be a strong one while it’s not.

7. Blank

The community card neither makes an impact on the board nor the player’s hand.

8. Board

The community cards.

9. Burn

The card was accidentally shown by the dealer when it was not supposed to be shown. The dealer will show it to everybody and then exclude it from the deck and the game.

10. Broadway

A straight made by 10, J, Q, K, A

11. Bottom Pair

The smallest pair that can be formed with the board. Say you have K 6 in your hand and the flop comes Q, 10, 6, then the pair of 6s formed by your hand and the board is called the bottom pair.

12. chop

Two players have the same strength in their hands. It is considered a draw and the pot is split with the amount of players who chop.

13. Call

Calling a bet means putting in the same amount as the previous bet.

14. Calling Station

Refers to the players who call a lot in the game.

15. Check

Usually comes with an act of knocking twice on the table, meaning that the player doesn’t want to take any action and pass it to the next player.

16. Check Raise

Check at first and when the other players have bet, raise the bet while it comes back to our turn again. This is an action performed pretty often.

17. CBET

Short of continuation bet. This means a player bets on the flop following his raise pre-flop.

18. Cap

The upper limit of the rakes in a pot.

19. Center Pot

Where all the bet money goes. The winner will receive all the money in the pot.

20. Connector

The cards on the board have the potential to form a certain strong hand combined with our hand.

21. downswing

When the player is unlucky and losing.

22. upswing

When the player is lucky and wins.

23. Dealer

The one who’s dealing the cards

24. Draw

This means the hand is not formed yet but has the potential to form a strong hand when certain cards are dealt with in the future.

25. Drawing Dead

0% of winning in this hand.

26. Equity

The expected value of you winning this pot.

27. Fish

The players who suck at this game.

28. Shark

The pros who are good at this game.

29. Family Pot

This means all the players join the game to see the flop.

30. Free Roll

The hand that has no chance of losing yet some chance of winning.

31. Gutshot Straight

This phrase is meant for the hand of straight. It’s a draw that only a number can help the hand become straight. Say we have 67 and the flop comes to 9,10, A. 8 is the only number we need so we have a gunshot straight draw.

32. Heads Up

Only two players are in the game.

33. Jackpot

The bonus money is when the player hits certain hands. It’s common mostly in real-time cash tables.

34. Kicker

The next best card aside from your pairs or trips. Say you have Q,10 and your opponent has Q,9. The flop comes Q, 4, 3, then you have a pair of Qs with a kicker of 10, which is bigger than your opponent...

35. Muck

When the player tosses his card face down onto the table. This means he has given up.

36. Nuts

The strongest hand that can be formed on board.

37. Offsuit

Two cards of your hand that don’t share the same flush. The opposite is called suited.

38. One-Gap

This means your hand of yours has a one-number gap, like K-J, 10-8, 4-2.

39. Overpair

A pair that’s bigger than the cards on the board. Say flop comes 10, 8, 6 and you got KK, then it’s an OP.

40. OESD(open-ended straight draw)

This phrase is meant for the hand of straight. It’s a draw that two numbers may help the hand form a straight. Say we have 67 and the flop comes 8, 9, A. Then a 5 or a 10 comes at the turn or river will make our hand a straight.

41. Pocket Pair

This means you got a pair with your hand initially.

42. Protect

Not letting others force you to give up on your hand.

43. Rainbow

All the cards on the flop have a different flush.

44. Flush

The cards share the same color.

45. Rake

The money that the house took from the pot.

46. TPTK

Top Pair Top Kicker.

47. Runner

Same meaning of the back door.

48. Set

A card on the board that has the same number as your pocket-pair hand。

49. Short Stack

The stacks that have little amount。

50. Showdown

Compare the strength of the mutual hands.

51.  Side Pot

When more than 2 players are going all in, then the two players that have a bigger stack will play for the side pot which is the money where the second biggest stack minus the third stack amount times 2 or more, depending on how many players have joined the pot.

52.  Split Pot

When the pot is won by two or more players.

53. Suited

When the two cards of your hand share the same flush.

54. Top Pair

The biggest pair can be formed by combining one card from your hand and the biggest card on the board. Say you got A,3 and the flop comes A, J, 8. Then you got a top pair of Aces.

55. Top Set

The set which is formed by the biggest number of the board.


That’s all the 55 Texas Hold’em terms. I believe that you are already longing for the opportunity to try out these in a real game. This game focuses more on concept application and psychology compared to Baccarat, Roulette, or Sicbo.  In the future, we will share more concepts and strategies about Hold’em, so stay tuned. That’s all for today and I will see you next time. Bye!

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