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Texas Holdem Poker Hand Ranking, Nut Straight Texas Holdem

Texas Holdem Poker Hand Ranking, Nut Straight Texas Holdem

Nut straight Texas holdem referring to the nut hand in Texas Hold'em, is the highest poker hand ranking achievable with the community cards. Players holding this hand have no possibility of losing. Therefore, my friend said, "I'd rather have 27 and win with Nuts than have Aces and get outdrawn." Let's look at the playing strategies for a few nut straight Texas holdem and how to maximize their value.

Nut Straight Texas Holdem Game Introduction

Once there was a survey for Texas Hold'em players that asked, "What is the hand you most want to hold?" Without much thought, I immediately chose Aces. Later, I asked a player who was already a Texas Hold'em master at the time. He looked at me as if observing an unknown creature and asked, "Do you know how to play poker? Of course, you should choose the nut straight Texas holdem!"

Nut straight Texas holdem referring to the nut hand in Texas Hold'em, is the highest poker hand ranking achievable with the community cards. Players holding this hand have no possibility of losing. Therefore, my friend said, "I'd rather have 27 and win with Nuts than have Aces and get outdrawn."

However, there's another issue. Since Texas Hold'em is a progressive game, if we only achieve the Nuts on the river, our hand before the river has no showdown value. In this case, we need to consider the pot size and implied odds to determine if the expected value justifies buying into this poker hand ranking and how we should extract value.

Let's look at the playing strategies for a few nut straight Texas holdem and how to maximize their value.

Texas Holdem Poker Hand Ranking, Nut Straight Texas Holdem

Nut Straight Texas Holdem on the Flop

In fact, all poker hand rankings require balancing considerations based on our position and hand range. If we don't do this, other players will easily discern our value bets, and they might decide not to pay.

Consider the following example:

Blinds 20/40, a middle-position player raises to 120 before the flop, the button calls, and we, in the big blind, have AQs and decide to 3-bet to 700. The middle position calls, and the button folds. The pot is now 1540.

  • Flop: Kd, Jc, 10h

Here, we need to consider our pre-flop range. Assuming our 3-bet range includes AJ offsuit and 99/88 combinations, if we continue betting on this board, we can bet 1/3 of the pot, 520. Opponents with combinations like K or JQ will likely call.

If we have a tight 3-betting range from the big blind, perhaps 10/10 and AQ+, our hand range is stronger on this board. In this case, we can bet half the pot, 770, to protect against opponents with KQ or better. Opponents calling here likely have a strong hand, and this helps narrow down their range for the turn.

Natural Full House and Natural Four of a Kind

The thought process for betting on paired or four-of-a-kind boards is different. On a straight or flush board, opponents with two pairs or better are more likely to call to see the next cards, as buying into this poker hand ranking ensures they outdraw straights and flushes. However, on a paired board, opponents might not necessarily outdraw.

For non-guaranteed winning poker hand rankings in Texas Hold'em, opponents are less likely to pay, so we need to pay attention to our bet sizing. Consider the following example:

Blinds 20/40, a player raises to 120 before the flop, the button calls, and we, in the big blind, have 8h8c and call. The pot is now 380.

  • Flop: 8d, 5c, 5d

Here, we need to consider that the raiser is behind us. This board has the potential for a flush or straight draw. If the raiser is an aggressive player, they might continue betting to protect their hand. A more conservative player might lean towards checking to control the pot. So, we need to assess the situation of the players behind us.

If the raiser is aggressive and continues betting after we check, the button may fold if they have a drawing hand, anticipating a possible check-raise from us. However, if we bet 1/3, the button and the raiser might both call.

If the raiser is conservative and checks behind us, the button is likely to check as well, and we may lose value from both players. However, if we bet 1/4, it's likely that both players will call.

Therefore, to keep both players in the pot, it's advisable to bet between 1/4 to 1/3 of the pot. At the same time, we hope that opponents interpret this action as a sign of weakness, potentially inducing a raise and building a larger pot.

In conclusion, in this session, we discussed how to extract value when holding nut straight Texas holdem. Many players, due to misjudging the situation, scare opponents away with early bets or miss value by checking too much. Since the occurrence of Nut hands is not frequent, it's essential to grasp the opportunities to extract value when they arise.

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