How to Play GTO Poker Using Exploitative Strategy
We shared the origin, thought process, and details of the exploitative strategy in Texas Hold'em Poker. Today, we are going to introduce a theory developed to counter the exploitative strategy, known as Game Theory Optimal, GTO in Poker, and learn how to play GTO poker.
How to Play GTO Poker Game Introduction
Last time, we shared the origin, thought process, and details of the exploitative strategy in Texas Hold'em Poker. Today, we are going to introduce a theory developed to counter the exploitative strategy, known as Game Theory Optimal, GTO in Poker, and learn how to play GTO poker.
The profitable strategies in Texas Hold'em that we've shared do not guarantee profits. After all, we cannot control the community cards or everyone's hands. Instead, these mathematical conclusions derived from statistics help us gain a slight advantage over other players in the game.
Similar to the early profitable strategies in Texas Hold'em, such as the loose-aggressive (LAG) strategy and later the tight-aggressive (TAG) strategy, as well as the advancement to position ranges and so on, every predecessor in the poker community has paved the way for us with their poker careers. Therefore, there is no absolute profitable Texas Hold'em strategy; the key always lies in the people.
How to Play GTO Poker
GTO, short for Game Theory Optimal, indicates that this strategy is not exclusive to Texas Hold'em Poker but rather a game theory.
How to play gto poker? You should know that game theory is a vast theory derived step by step from probability mathematics, involving not only game strategies but also having significant relevance to investments, economic policies, and more.
When applied to profitable strategies in Texas Hold'em Poker, some players may think that it is a standardized computer strategy, believing that GTO players only follow charts and have no advantage at all.
However, this perception is incorrect. The reason why some players who use GTO in poker do not see results is mainly due to incomplete hand sample sizes and a lack of adjustment to their actions based on their results.
For example, players may look at their cards and say according to the chart they should open with A5 suited, and after hitting the flop, check to control the pot. But when faced with QQ/10-9/66, they forget how to act to balance the entire range's expected value (EV).
In other words, GTO in poker is not just a range table; it is a range direction map that tells us the direction of our actions against a particular opponent.
Take another example, when we face a player who raises frequencies from middle and late positions exceeding 50% but folds to 3-bets more than 75% of the time, we certainly don't need to stick to our original 3-bet range but can expand our range to make moves.
Recreational players may not notice our adjustments, so we can continue to exploit this strategy against them. However, experienced players will also adjust their responses.
In the example above, when our opponent's 3-bet frequency reaches 40-50%, he may also expand his calling 3-bet range or even increase his 4-bet range while reducing his opening range. If we continue to think about his action line based on the previous range table, we will naturally fall into a misunderstanding and make the wrong move.
Therefore, how to play GTO poker strategy correctly requires players to continuously adjust to each other's frequencies and ranges, using past information to make judgments and then continually adjusting based on the results.
Conclusion On GTO in Poker
The two profitable strategies in Texas Hold'em introduced this time, exploitative strategy and GTO in poker are actually a dynamic balance. This is because both sides need to constantly probe and adjust, use past information to make judgments, and then continuously refine their strategies based on the results for how to play GTO poker.
Exploitative strategy and GTO in poker are both products of the combination of statistics and profitable strategies in Texas Hold'em. Players need to understand position ranges, EV, and ICM theory, which converts chip EV into real EV, before becoming familiar with profitable strategies in Texas Hold'em.
There is no eternal profitable Texas Hold'em strategy, only people who continuously improve, creating more classic poker games.
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Poker Strategy